Hi, I'm David Warriner. As a professional French-to-English literary translator, I work with select publishers to lend my voice to established Francophone authors and help them reach the most discerning English-speaking readers.
I love to play with words, but I take my work seriously. I'm a member of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada (LTAC). I'm also a Certified Translator with OTTIAQ, Quebec's professional order or translators, terminologists and interpreters.
David Warriner grew up in the UK and escaped to Quebec after graduating from Oxford. A professional translator for more than two decades, David nurtures a passion for fiction in French and has translated a range of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s fiction by authors based in Quebec and France for Canadian and UK publishers. David has worked in France and Quebec and now lives in British Columbia.
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David Warriner a grandi en Angleterre, où il se passionne pour le français dès son plus jeune âge. Son diplôme de l’Université d'Oxford en poche, il déménage au Québec où il amorce rapidement sa carrière de traducteur. Il cumule une dizaine d'années en tant que traducteur professionnel au sein de grandes entreprises avant de déménager dans l'ouest canadien et lancer sa propre microentreprise en traduction littéraire et créative.
En tant que traducteur littéraire professionnel, David traduit des romans et des oeuvres de non-fiction du français vers l'anglais. Il travaille uniquement avec des maisons d'édition établies et choisit ses projets avec grand soin.
David Warriner's translation of Paul Serge Forest's astonishing debut novel Everything is Ori was published by QC Fiction in May 2023. Lauded by critics, it's been called 'the most daring reading experience of the year' and 'one of the best Quebec novels of the past ten years.'
As a professional literary translator, David Warriner has translated published titles in a variety of fields including short stories, non-fiction and children's books, though his true passion lies in crime fiction, literary mysteries and thrillers.
David Warriner's translation of Quebec author Roxanne Bouchard's literary mystery We Were the Salt of the Sea was published by Orenda Books in 2018 and shortlisted for the Society of Authors Scott Moncrieff Prize for French-English translation in 2019. His translation of 'French Queen of Crime' writer Johana Gustawsson's Blood Song was published by Orenda Books in 2019 and longlisted for the 2020 CWA Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation. David's translation of Roxanne Bouchard's The Coral Bride, winner of the Crime Writers of Canada Award for Best French Crime Book, was then shortlisted for the 2021 CWA Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation. Book 3 in Roxanne's DS Moralès series, Whisper of the Seals, was published to critical acclaim in 2022.
David Warriner's translation of bestselling Icelandic author Ragnar Jónasson's Winterkill (unconventionally, via the French translation, which was published before the original Icelandic) was published in 2020, and shot to number one in the ebook charts in the UK, Canada and Australia. His translation of Johana Gustawsson's The Bleeding, a spell-binding, dazzlingly dark gothic thriller that swings from Belle Époque Paris to 21st-century Quebec, with an extraordinary mystery at its heart, was praised by the Sunday Times as one of the best historical fiction titles of 2022 and made the shortlist for the CWA Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation. His translation of Johana Gustawsson's Yule Island was published in November 2023.
Published translations:
We Were the Salt of the Sea
Runner-up, 2019 Scott Moncrieff Prize
A literary crime novel
DS Joaquin Moralès series #1
by Roxanne Bouchard
Orenda Books, 2018
Blood Song
Longlisted, 2020 CWA Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation
A Nordic Noir crime novel
by Johana Gustawsson
Orenda Books, 2019
The Coral Bride
Winner of the Crime Writers of Canada Award for Best French Crime Book
Shortlisted, 2021 CWA Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation
Literary crime fiction
DS Joaquin Moralès series #2
by Roxanne Bouchard
Orenda Books, 2020
Icelandic crime fiction
Dark Iceland series #6
by Ragnar Jónasson
Orenda Books, 2020
Whisper of the Seals
Literary crime fiction
DS Joaquin Moralès series #3
by Roxanne Bouchard
Orenda Books, 2022
The Bleeding
Dark thriller, historical fiction
First in a new series
by Johana Gustawsson
Orenda Books, 2022
Everything is Ori
Literary fiction
by Paul Serge Forest
QC Fiction, 2023
Yule Island
Nordic noir thriller
by Johana Gustawsson
Orenda Books, 2023
Having a keen young reader at home served as prime motivation for David Warriner to translate children's books and YA titles as well as novels. His first YA translations include Jaume Copons' Alex and the Monsters: Here Comes Mr. Flat! and Alex and the Monsters: Restaurant Rescue, two graphic novels for young readers illustrated by Liliana Fortuny and published by Montreal-based publisher Crackboom! Books. David's early children's book translations include a boxed set of remastered fairy tales and a number of board books and picture books for early readers.
David's translation of Alice Dussutour's Naître fille, an eye-opening graphic fiction title about the feminine condition around the world is forthcoming from Orca Book Publishers.
David Warriner has translated an array of nonfiction titles for Vancouver-based publisher Greystone Books. Literary nonfiction titles include Rémy Marion's On Being a Bear - Face to Face with Our Wild Sibling, Guirec Soudée's A Sailor, A Chicken, An Incredible Voyage -The Seafaring Adventures of Guirec and Monique and Jean-François Beauchemin's dreamily poetic Archives of Joy.
David's translations of practical nonfiction books include Jean-François Harvey's Run Better and Dr. Gaétan Brouillard's Rethink Chronic Pain.
Want to read one of my translations? Thanks, I'm flattered! Please consider buying from your local independent bookshop. You can also ask your local library to order a copy for you and other readers to enjoy.
Here's a link to my Amazon author page to see all the reviews, editions and ISBNs in one place. Then please scroll down below to order directly from the publishers' websites. Thanks for supporting great books in translation!
We Were the Salt of the Sea
Roxanne Bouchard
When the body of a woman is discovered in a fisherman’s net in Quebec’s Gaspé Peninsula, new recruit Detective Sergeant Joaquin Moralès is thrown in at the deep end… First in a beautifully written, atmospheric and addictive new series.
The Coral Bride
Roxanne Bouchard
In this beautiful, lyrical sequel to the critically acclaimed We Were the Salt of the Sea, Detective Moralès finds that a seemingly straightforward search for a missing fisherwoman off Quebec’s Gaspé Peninsula is anything but…
Whisper of the Seals
Roxanne Bouchard
Detective Moralès becomes immersed in a chilling case set on the icy seas of Quebec’s remote Magdalen Islands, in the midst of a brutal seal hunt. A breathtaking, atmospheric, race-against-the-clock thriller…
Archives of Joy
Reflections on Animals and the Nature of Being
Jean-François Beauchemin
In Archives of Joy, renowned poet, essayist, and novelist Jean-François Beauchemin turns his poetic and playful gaze to memories of animals he has known throughout his life, from fleeting encounters to deep relationships. With each meeting, Beauchemin returns to a simple thought: that joy in nature is an essential counterweight to the inescapable awareness of the brevity of life.
Relieve Suffering, Heal Your Body, Own Your Health
Dr. Gaétan Brouillard
At a time when as many as 1 in 5 adults suffer from chronic pain, a medical doctor and proven pain expert offers an original guide to healing and recovery. Rethink Chronic Pain identifies the physical and psychological roots of pain and recommends not one single treatment (as the vast majority of advice does) but many: Dr. Gaétan Brouillard incorporates osteopathy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, nutrition and natural products (including cannabis and CBD) into his tried-and-tested approach. He also draws on years of experience as an emergency room doctor, clinician, and researcher to explain scientific breakthroughs in pain treatment and how to use medicine and surgery when necessary. Readers will come away with new understandings of the body and mind—and new tools for healing chronic pain at its source.
Diary of an Ogre
Valeria Dávila and Mónica López
The world of ogres is endangered and their secrets could disappear with them. This diary unveils the many mysteries of their monstrous life: the famous fight clubs, the belching and spitting classes, never changing underwear—ever. A book that will shift your perception of ogres forever! "Dear Diary, The end is near. Ogres are not what they used to be The world is changing, I fear."
Essential Guide to Crime Scene Intervention
Alexandre Beaudoin, Daniel Guillemette, Laurence McMullen
This book is both an educational tool for all forensic students and a valuable reference for new patrol officers, whether they are on the beat, working an investigation or assigned to other related duties. The authors explain the key reflexes to develop for working on a crime scene, recommended working methods to use and intervention protocols to establish.
The Bleeding
Johana Gustawsson
Queen of French Noir, Johana Gustawsson returns with a spell-binding, dazzlingly dark gothic thriller that swings from Belle Époque France to 21st-century Quebec, with an extraordinary mystery at its heart… FIRST in a bewitching new series.
Ragnar Jónasson
A blizzard is approaching Siglufjörður, and that can only mean one thing… When the body of a nineteen-year-old girl is found on the main street of Siglufjörður, Police Inspector Ari Thór battles a violent Icelandic storm in an increasingly dangerous hunt for her killer … The chilling, claustrophobic finale to the international bestselling Dark Iceland series.
Alex and the Monsters:
Here Comes Mr. Flat!
Jaume Copons & Liliana Fortuny
Alex is a typical kid—funny, curious, a little forgetful, and always hungry. His world is turned upside down when he finds a monster in his bedroom. Where did it come from? From The Book of Monsters, of course! That’s where the little monster lived before the evil Dr. Brut chased him out. Mr. Flat wants to return to the book he came from, but first he must find it! Alex, who has never paid much attention to books, is drawn by his new friend into a captivating world of stories and adventure.
Alex and the Monsters:
Restaurant Rescue!
Jaume Copons & Liliana Fortuny
Dr. Brut is back for more evil deeds, including sinking the Nautilus Restaurant. Luckily Chef Roll, the kitchen monster, is on hand to help cook up a plan to stop him. Get ready for more monster mayhem! The Alex and the Monsters series of graphic novels is filled with hilarious illustrations and fantastic stories that mix humor, adventure and literature (yes, literature!).
Diary of a Witch
Valeria Dávila and Mónica López
Do all witches like to scare children, eat toad eyes and ride their brooms when the moon is full? Certainly not all! Peek into the pages of this personal diary and discover the secret thoughts of a witch who dreams of a little change in her life: to dare to wear pink, buy a swimsuit and go on vacation, and maybe just once be part of a fairy tale that ends well! "Dear Diary, I'm writing to tell you I'm weary. I've been a wicked witch for too many years, and it's making me teary."
Diary of a Monster
Valeria Dávila and Mónica López
What are the intimate dreams of monsters? Few people know, for monsters are discreet beings, lurking in the shadows. This diary gives an exclusive insight into the life of a terrible beast. "Dear Diary, it's me the monster in the lake, I'm evil, I'm yucky and I'm scarier than a snake."
Cyril Carrère
Erin Silva is struggling to get a grip. She’s young, naive, and has a deep connection to those she loves. But she’s not as fragile as she seems. As she prepares to take over the family business—in spite of some maternal reticence—she finds herself caught up in a chain of ill-fated events.
It’s distressing for Erin to stir up the pain of the past, but she’s determined to find out the truth as she sets out to track down those responsible and make them pay. Even if it means letting go of the last illusions that remain of the life she once knew.
Everything is Ori
Paul Serge Forest
The Lelarge family quietly runs its little seafood empire from Quebec’s North Shore. But when an elegant visitor is dispatched by a mysterious Japanese conglomerate to their isolated fishing village, things will never be the same again. Because Mori Ishikawa has a secret invention: Ori. And it’s destined to change the course of human history.
A Sailor, A Chicken, An Incredible Voyage: The Seafaring Adventures of Guirec and Monique
Guirec Soudée
When Guirec Soudée was 21 years old, he bought a 30-foot sailboat and set out across the Atlantic, despite having only sailed a dinghy before. His only companion? His plucky pet hen, Monique. Guirec and Monique’s unbelievable journey won the hearts of people all over the world and caused a social media frenzy when it happened. Now, in their long-awaited first book, readers will uncover their gripping voyage from start to finish.
On Being a Bear:
Face to Face with Our Wild Sibling
Rémy Marion
For readers of Jane Goodall and Lawrence Anthony, this up-close, captivating look at bears traces our complex relationship to the animal throughout history. On Being a Bear draws on history, legends, scientific studies, and the author’s thirty years of observing bears around the world to offer a richly detailed biography of these iconic animals, including the many ways bears have figured in our lives and imaginations.
Run Better: How To Improve Your Running Technique and Prevent Injury
Jean-François Harvey
A practical, illustrated, and scientifically grounded guide to improving your running technique and preventing injury, written by a kinesiologist.
In North America alone, thirty-seven million people run regularly, and most suffer at least one running-related injury a year. Run Better sets out to help runners of all abilities run smarter and injury-free. Illustrated with more than 150 color photographs, 50 black-and-white line drawings, and 20 charts and tables, Run Better is an easy-to-use and authoritative running handbook for anyone who wants to improve their running efficiency and decrease their risk of injury.
Diary of a Fairy
Valeria Dávila and Mónica López
Do all fairies like to live in the shadows of princesses and play a supporting role in children's stories? Certainly not all! Peek into the pages of this personal diary and discover the secret thoughts of a fairy who dreams of stepping into the limelight and getting a leading role! "Dear Diary, I have decided one thing, From now on, I will be a famous fairy."
I Never Talk About It
Véronique Côté
and Steve Gagnon
The local and the universal come together in these 37 short stories, brought into English by 37 different translators from all over the world. The result gives readers a flavour of the fresh new writing coming out of Quebec—and a reminder that there are at least 37 different ways to translate an author’s voice.
Lost Inside My Head
How is Vincent supposed to focus when there's so much going on at once?! Inspired by the author's experience growing up with ADHD, Lost Inside My Head is a touching and illuminating story that brings the reader into the thoughts, struggles, joys and uniqueness of a young child with ADHD.